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A Modern Method for Guitar - Volume 1: Guitar Tech

A Modern Method for Guitar - Volume 1: Guitar Tech
Nasza cena: 47,95 PLN
Cena detaliczna: 68,50 PLN Oszczędzasz: 30% (20,55 PLN)
EAN: 9780876390139
Status: Szanowny kliencie towar został
(Berklee Methods). The beginning-level book of this comprehensive method teaches a wide range of guitar and music fundamentals, including: scales, melodic studies, chord and arpeggio studies, how to read music, accompaniment techniques, special exercises for developing technique in both hands, a unique approach to voice leading using moveable chord forms, and more.

Egzemplarze powystawowe - mogą zawierać zbite rogi, rozdarcia, przybrudzenia, rysy.

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21-100 Lubartów

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